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Chip industry

Sudden increase in computing power

The initial stage of chip development is design and verification, which may require a large amount of computing resources for simulation, simulation, and verification. The R&D team may need to temporarily increase computing resources at this stage to accelerate the design process and validation cycle.


The high concurrency, high IOPS, and small file characteristics of chip simulation require high computational power. Typically, high-performance servers with powerful computing and storage capabilities are chosen to meet the high requirements of chip simulation.

High security

Chip design enterprises have very strict requirements for security, and need to take various security measures during the design, manufacturing, and distribution processes to protect intellectual property, prevent malicious tampering, resist side channel attacks, and prevent hardware backdoors, in order to ensure the security and credibility of chips.


Program Features

  • Internet technology provides exclusive and high-performance bare metal services for the chip manufacturing industry, meeting the high-performance needs of chip manufacturing enterprises for large-scale computing.

  • In response to the security requirements of chip design, Interconnect Technology's bare metal services allow users to run their own operating systems and applications on physical servers, which enables better control of data and application security.

  • Elastic services allow chip companies to increase or decrease the number of bare metal servers they use at any time according to actual needs, achieving elastic expansion or reduction, avoiding resource waste and high fixed costs.